Contrary the opinion spread among laymen that animals are forced in the ring to “tricks” which are against natural courses of motion, the training grounds exclusively on typical behaviour, as for instance the jump to get prey. Ethologists such as Heini Hediger and Immanuel Birmelin even found out that training is healthy for animals which live among humans, since it makes their lives more varied and more delightful. Thus the training and the work in the ring replaces for the big cats their efforts when catching prey. In addition, behind the scenes Tom Dieck jr. is always anxious about the well-being of his animals, too. Thus at each venue a roomy external enclosure is available for his animals. With raised lying places, scratching trees and branches as well as a swimming pool for the tigers the enclosure supplies additional incentives for occupation. Thus in all interests the legal regulations are more than fulfilled.

Take a look at the spacious external big cat enclosure!